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- برنامج WinMend Data Recovery 1.3.8 الرائع لإعادة ما تم حذفه بالخطأ
- [ يا سروري | قاسم باغر mp3 ]
- انسى باسوورد الملفات المضغوطة advanced archive password recovery
- هل كلمه امين من الفاتحه ؟؟؟
- Two Husbands In The House
- How I Came Back To Islam?
- Life after death
- صوت لآن وأجعل الدين الإسلامى فى ألمانيا معترف به وكدين أساسى فيها ....أرجو من الجميع
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- طلب نشيد صلاح ابو اسلام...قناة الناس
برنامج WinMend Data Recovery 1.3.8 الرائع لإعادة ما تم حذفه بالخطأ Posted: 11 Mar 2011 04:13 AM PST بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ربي يسعد أوقاتكم أقدم لكم برنامج WinMend Data Recovery 1.3.8 الرائع لإعادة ما تم حذفه بالخطأ ،،، × ![]() برنامج رائع جدا حيث يقوم باعادة ما تم حذفه برنامج رائع في مجاله وخفيف وسريع × [عزيزى الزائر لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط الا بعد التسجيل للتسجيل اضغط هنا] ضع رد ليكتمل التحميل تحياتيـــ fvkhl[ WinMend Data Recovery 1>3>8 hgvhzu gYuh]m lh jl p`ti fhgo'H |
Posted: 11 Mar 2011 03:14 AM PST بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ربي يسعد أوقاتكم أقدم لكم أنشودة رائعة بعنوان يا سروري للمنشد قاسم باغر mp3 ،،، × [عزيزى الزائر لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط الا بعد التسجيل للتسجيل اضغط هنا] ضع رد ليكتمل التحميل تحياتيـــ F dh sv,vd | rhsl fhyv mp3 D |
انسى باسوورد الملفات المضغوطة advanced archive password recovery Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:44 PM PST انسى باسوورد الملفات المضغوطة advanced archive password recovery ![]() من منا لايستخدم برنامج الوينرار فى فك الملفات المضغوطة الموجودة على الاجهزو فى التى تم تحميلها من الانترنت وكثيرا ما نصاب بخيبة امل اذا تم تحميل ملفات كثيرة او ملفات موجودة مسبقا على الجهاز وتكون محمية بباسوورد لفك ضغطها اليكم الحل مع البرنامج الصغير فى حجمه الرهيب فى استخدامه البرنامج هوarchpr advanced archive password recovery اصدار البرنامج 3.01 نسخة اصلية ![]() [عزيزى الزائر لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط الا بعد التسجيل للتسجيل اضغط هنا] hksn fhs,,v] hglgthj hglqy,'m advanced archive password recovery |
Posted: 10 Mar 2011 04:12 PM PST ![]() بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم هل كلمة آمين من الفاتحة ؟ كلمة (آمين) سنة للإمام والمنفرد والجماعة، سنة بعد الفاتحة وليست واجبة بعد ان نقرا فاتحة الكتاب نختم بقولنا آمين أسوة برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والذي علمه جبريل عليه السلام أن يقولها بعد قراءة الفاتحة . فهي من كلام جبريل عليه السلام وليست كلمة من القرآن . ![]() كلمة {آمين} ليست من الفاتحة . ، وآمين اسم فعل أمر بمعنى استجب يا رب ويستحب أن يقولها الإمام إذا قرأ الفاتحة يعلو صوته بها ويقولها المأموم والمنفرد كذلك ، والدليل على استحباب التأمين قال صلى الله عليه وسلم( إذا أمن الإمام فأمنوا فإنه من وافق تأمينه تأمين الملائكة غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه ) متفق عليه ![]() روي الإمام احمد وأبو داود والترمذي عن وائل حجر قال : سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم:::- ((قرأغَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِم وَلاَ الضالين} قال{ آمين مد بها صوته ![]() جاء في الصحيحين أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال( إذا أمن الإمام فأمنوا فإنه من وافق تأمينه تأمين الملائكة , غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه). ![]() روى الإمام احمد في مسنده أن رسول الله صلى الله علي وسلم ذكرت عنده اليهود فقال(إنهم لن يحسدونا على شيء كما يحسدونا على الجمعة التي هدانا الله لها وضلوا عنها وعلى القبلة التي هدانا الله لها وضلوا عنها , وعلى قولنا خلف الإمام ( آمين وهي بمعنى اللهم استجب دعاءنا ![]() ويستحب الجهر بها ، لحديث ابن ماجه ( كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا قال ( غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين ) قال}آمين} حتى يسمعها أهل الصف الأول فيرتج بها المسجد ![]() ig ;gli hldk lk hgthjpi ??? |
Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST Two Husbands In The House Many women -because of feminism- don't obey their husbands, which is sinful. Some practicing sisters - they are not realizing that they should obey their husbands. Allah's Messenger said [meaning]; "If I were to command anyone to prostrate before anyone, I would have commanded the wife to prostrate before her husband, because of the enormity of his right upon her." [Hasan Sahih Al-Albani] «لو كنت آمرا أحدا أن يسجد لأحد ؛ لأمرت المرأة أن تسجد لزوجها» حسن صحيح الألباني There are so many other ahadeeth on the rights of the husband from the wife. A [non muslim] Noble Prize winner said; The Economical and Social crisis within the western world is due to the both Husbands not playing the role they should play. Meaning: the husband should provide for the family, and the woman should help the husband in the home to raise the children and the household. He said; the husband should play his major role, and the wife should play her major role in the House and provide for the children…etc. Once each party plays their role, a complimentary relationship will form. The husband is the provider for the house, and the wife uses this provision to grow the fruits (i.e. children). A Wife as a Companion It is the nature of the man; when he comes back home from work, he is tired and frustrated – and he wants to see his wife looking at him, smiling and caring for him and giving him attention. If he comes home from work and sees his wife on the phone, or the internet, or her attention isn't on him in a good way – he will feel frustrated. He will feel that his wife is not for him, and due to this, problems start. Even a small thing will become a major thing because he will be ready to argue due to his previous frustration. Sometimes women might think they've done nothing wrong, not knowing the root of the problem. Men have emotional needs, and these are fulfilled when we see our wives next to us and on our side, and this is what brings his happiness. By not obeying the husband, he feels that she is an opposition to him, someone who wants to rebel instead of being a partner in support. Who has more control in the home? The traditional answer would be that the husband has control of more things within the home. Whereas in reality; women have more control of the House issues. They just don't know it. How? Men by nature – they don't want to displease their wives. They don't want wives to keep nagging. They want peace of mind in their houses. Because of this, he wants to do anything to keep her quiet, pleased…etc. Advice to women; If you want anything from your husband, ask in a very emotionally pleasing way. You will never get anything from your husband if you act like a man with him. Famous saying; The man is like a ring in the wife's fingers, she can move him wherever she wants. The woman cannot control her husband by lecturing/commanding or forcing him, he will hate her if she is like that. But just by a kiss, you can get whatever you want from your husband. Their tears affect the man more than anything, instead of them shouting, they can just cry in a humble way and that will melt the husband's heart and be more effective in putting her message across to the husband. Unfortunately, many women don't like to exert this type of etiquette, and this is what usually leads to two husbands' being in the House who are competing against each other - causing the marriage to break down. Two Husbands In The House |
Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST How I Came Back To Islam? In 1988, I began to work on a Kingdom project with my father, who is a physician who was working in the Kingdom. He was in Kingdom and I was in the United States. That same year I Came on a trip to the Kingdom and stayed in Dhahran and visited Al Khobar to further that project. The world here captured me immediately in so many ways, but when I heard those first prayer calls, something deep within me stirred. I saw shopkeepers just close, but not lock their doors, how can that be I asked. I saw Muslim's going to prayer and returning looking so fresh and renewed. I saw that and wondered. I asked my Saudi hosts many questions and was allowed to come to a large city mosque and sat in the back. I was nervous but my eyes and my heart was open. No one else including my father was invited. Guess Mohammed our personal host saw something in me that I did not even see Back then. I was given a Holy Qur'an in Arabic and English. Among all the items, I took home to the States from that trip that Qur'an was at the top of the most valuable to me. Did I read it Back then, no. It was a possession, sad to say. Something to look good on my bookcase, what a mistake! I was left with vivid memories of a place fully and completely unknown to me before. The mold was cast deep within me as a result. Years later, I returned on my own, with my then young family, wife, and two sons. Everyone fit into life in Saudi Arabia swiftly. My world revolved around work, family, and exercise. Any and all prayer that I did was personal and once daily if that. Don't get me wrong, I was Christian, and not much is asked as a follower. I did more than most. I began to watch my employees as they when about their work before and after prayers. Inwardly I now know Allah was calling me, but I did not listen even though I was right there in Riyadh in a hospital with a mosque surrounded by caring Muslim's. I kept everyone at bay, holding tight to my understanding of Christianity, almost defiantly so… The years rolled by and honestly, I even lost interest in prayer and doing anything but maintaining an occasional link to God directly. Eventually my families stay in the Kingdom ended in 2001 at which point we all returned to Florida in the USA. While in the states we all as a family returned to church, but I knew I was not the same person. As hard as I could try to follow the trinity concept I could not embrace it enough to "witness" it all to someone else. Something was wrong, but I did not quite know what was wrong. So I talked to God alone. Made sense to me, He created everything so why did I need others to pass on my prayers to Him. Same time in my life Back then sin Came heavily into my life, either by me directly or brought into my life by my now ex-wife. I sank into a most disappointing time of my life. The road to hell is wide and easy, which I was taking, while the path to heaven is narrow and most difficult to traverse. Frankly I was not just going to hell, I was in hell on this earth. All the time I tried to balance "things" with prayer and occasional church attendance for one hour which I did not want to do. For years this continued until I accepted the role I now maintain with the hospital here in Al Khobar. This last year was filled with tears and sadness in that a twenty-three year marriage failed due in part to those bad years just previous to my arrival to Al Khobar. I didn't think I could get so low but you know it, He took it all away, took me to the bottom, where all there is is up. Really, I use to say I had to jump up to touch bottom. Those around me knew I hurt all the time and was empty, yet each day sometimes second by second I continue onward. My daily morning prayers were rarely missed and I read the Bible often, entire books at a time. Life at work and with me personally was on the improve even during the divorce and other matters I had to attend to Back in the USA. Shortly after my arrival one of the senior managers in my division gave me information on Islam, which I welcomed but did not read nor look at. Into the drawer they went. Yet this man and others around me saw something in me that I had not yet realized, but they did, how I do not know but they did. One member of my staff gave me prayer beads. I carried them in my right pocket every day and counted them over and over with my right hand in my right pocket all day long. I was able to remain oh so calm in most difficult meetings while rolling those beads with my fingers. Life continued to be one good day then three bad, but my life and work continued. Then in November of last year I went Back to the USA for a divorce trial and visit with my family. Sad times and good times but never did I ever feel at home there, never. Did not go to church either. When I returned to the Kingdom in early December I was restless inside. Hard to explain. Decisions were difficult to make so I did not make them. So I just eased up and eased up some more and just listened with my heart and my mind. For days many people must have wondered what was on my mind for I must have looked preoccupied, but I was not, I was cutting layer upon layer away listening thinking sending out questions and messages, not knowing what would return. At the hospital I began to come over to the mosque, near but not to near, and hear the call to prayer watching the men enter or exit. They would be standing there talking with each other oblivious of the world around them, you could see they were different than before they entered. I was drawn, I knew it but denied it at the same time. The ditch between the two roads seemed to be too wide to cross and I did not have an idea how. Yet I wondered, and wondered some more… In early January I had one of the most powerful urges ever, I had to have a Qur'an, period. On to my to do list it went, it stayed in my mind and never left. So two days later I Came home from work on a Thursday afternoon and took a nap, set no alarm, but I agreed with myself that after prayer when the shops reopened I would go and buy my own. That afternoons prayer call woke me up and being tired, I said to myself you just go Back to sleep and get the Qur'an later, what do I need one for. When I heard that in my mind I jump out of bed and got dressed, my hair was a mess from sleeping so I wore a ball cap. Flagged down a taxi driver and explained to him what my mission was, being a Muslim he welcomed the venture. So off to Jarir Bookstore we go, lots of traffic but we arrive with half of Al Khobar waiting to enter. Up the steps to the books and I begin looking, so many books and people. I could not find where to start so I finally got the attention of a salesman and off we go to the section where my Qur'an was. "Out of stock" he said. "How could that be?!" I said, "this is Saudi Arabia the heart of Islam and you are out of an Arabic / English Qur'an???", Dejected I returned to my excited taxi driver empty handed. Boy were we both despondent. We continued on and drove around looking for other bookstores until I recalled that Jarir had another shop near the hospital, so off we went. Got there in time for the evening prayer. He went to pray while I waited outside the shop like all the other non-believers. Eventually they opened and I approached the first staff member before anyone else. He took me directly to my own Qur'an, he even gave me a discount on the sales price. Maybe he saw something in me too. That same taxi driver was pleased that we did not give up and I obtained what I wanted. I began to read my Qur'an while no one else knew. The more I read the more questions I derived yet I did not want to approach anyone for answers for it would disclose what I was doing… embracing Islam!, There were days where honestly work only got in the way of my time devoted to researching the truth. Some days it would be reading the Qur'an, the next out Came my Bible to trace Back and forth for answers. Key was Jesus in all this research. Who was he really, was he really God with the Father???, I wrestled with this question for I already believed there was only one God but as a Christian I thought that that meant what I considered as God was also Allah, was I wrong, which I will explain. Then it became oh so clear that what was being said by all my Muslim friends and employees in my past and present that there was only one God that that meant in deed no other but Allah. My past concepts began to fall into serious question. But I was not sold on the idea as yet. One day shortly thereafter I walked into my bosses office who is Muslim holding my prayer beads in my hand not my pocket and he said "You look like a Muslim Michael are you considering embracing Islam?" in a half joking yet serious manner. I sat down in front of his desk and said "Yes!", I don't think either of us will forget that morning. It was powerful. He Came around from his side of his desk and shook my hand and said he would do anything and all things to help me find my way forward. I acknowledged this and accepted his help and requested his personal guidance, which he agreed to do. Wow I was empowered now so I dove even harder into my quest for the truth, so my reading of the Qur'an and Bible continued. One late evening I decided to look at the Back of my Qur'an. I found the last pages to contain the following "Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them) in the Bible and the Qur'an: Biblical Evidence of Jesus Being a Servant of God and Having No Share in Divinity". I read those ten pages slowly and carefully several times. How can that be, Jesus not a God!!. So I read all of St. Matthews, John, and Mark. I looked at that Bible and searched for who wrote it and did Jesus actually write all those red lettered words in the New Testament?, All I could determine was a number of religious scholars had revised this Bible twice in the 1970's and 1980's and nowhere did I see where Jesus had in fact wrote a word, even one simple word in this Bible. All that was written was by others long after his great life here on earth. Was this truthful or was it half-truths or even completely wrong?, So Back to the Qur'an I went with my reading and it clearly said to me that Allah in deed created Jesus in the virgin Mary ("Be") and he was Muslim and a central Prophet as were the other Prophets sent by Allah to show people the straightway. It also said to me that he lived, never died and yet he is in heaven and will return again to rule the world as Allah had intended. Yet what I found was this: Allah sent his messages to Muhammad, which were written by scribes and verified by Muhammad as his words as inspired by Allah Himself, which is the Qur'an. This was done because the New Testament was altered, not correct, and lead people away from what Allah wanted Jesus to accomplish on earth. Wow my mind's eye was fully opened as was my heart. The one God concept was just that, no one has the right to worship but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, that is fact with no doubt! How could the Christians get it oh so wrong, it is not three in one it is Only One and He is Allah. No wonder I had trouble "witnessing" to others about Jesus being a God that was because he was not. Yes, he was key and important but no God. When I realized this in my heart, I accept Islam with Allah directly. I became his slave purely at that moment. Now I outwardly asked with whom do I see to move forward to become Muslim and return to Islam. I was directed to one senior cleric, now nearly a month plus from obtaining my own Qur'an. I was being moved along by a quiet strength I had never ever known before, bold would be a good word to describe it. So I found this man who was held very high by others as with special gifts and met with him in his hospital office. I performed Shahadah with him after a lengthy discussion. He embraced me and said I had embraced Islam and was Muslim. We hugged, bear hugs!!! I almost cried. I did my first prayer that night at the compound mosque. I was taken up into so many arms and held tightly. The next day I met the Imam the next day and preformed Shahadah again in his office. He asked that I come to the noon prayer, which I did. Afterwards he introduced me to all in attendance and asked that I come up with him. His words as I found out later were gentle and kind towards me. He asked if I had anything to say. You bet, I preformed the Shahadah again in front of them all and explained who I was and briefly how I got there. When I finished every man in the mosque Came and shook my hand and or hugged me. Never ever have I ever been greeted by such real love and care. It made me cry. While I returned to Islam and embraced it, it in turn embraced me! I go to all prayers at the correct time, I am now reading about 30 books and pamphlets and have over 2000 pages of electric materials on Islam. Today I meet a special teacher who will lead me along the correct path so my prayers are correct and that my focus is maximized. I called my Father, Mother, Son, and Brother providing them the detail of my faith in Islam. I was warmly received. I am in the process of changing my name in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States from Michael Allen Wilson to Khalil Ibrahim Abdulmajid. Now I cannot stop talking about the truth I now know to anyone who will listen. I have been asked by Muslims and Christians both why I Came Back to Islam. Is it simple to reply. I relate that once I understood that Allah sent his very own message to Muhammad that we worship Allah only and that we follow the life Allah intended for us here on earth, that then and only then would Allah accept me to Paradise forever and ever. I want Allah's promise to me to be complete, now and for that forever after. I want it with all of my being. That is why I am so complete and happy now. Praise Be To Allah, How I Came Back To Islam? |
Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST LIFE after DEATH The question of whether there is Life after death does not fall under the jurisdiction of science, as science is concerned only with classification and analysis of data. Moreover, man has been busy with scientific inquiries and research, in the modern sense of the term, only for the last few centuries, while he has been familiar with the concept of Life after death since time immemorial. All the prophets of God called their people to worship God and to believe in Life after death. They laid so much emphasis on the belief in Life after death that even a slight doubt in it meant denying God and made all other beliefs meaningless. The very fact that all the prophets of God have dealt with this ****physical question of Life after death so confidently and so uniformly - the gap between their ages in some cases, being thousands of years - goes to prove that the source of their knowledge of Life after death as proclaimed by them all, was the same, i.e. Divine revelation. We also know that these prophets of God were greatly opposed by their people, mainly on the issue of Life after death, as their people thought it impossible. But in spite of opposition, the prophets won many sincere followers. The question arises : what made those followers forsake the established beliefs, traditions and customs of their forefathers, notwithstanding the risk of being totally alienated from their own community? The simple answer is: they made use of their faculties of mind and heart and realized the truth. It is this consciousness that guides man regarding realities that cannot be seen. That is why all the prophets of God, while calling people to believe in God and Life after death, appeal to the aesthetic, moral and rational consciousness of man. For example, when the idolaters of Makkah denied even the possibility of Life after death, the Noble Qur'an exposed the weakness of their stand by advancing very logical and rational arguments in support of it: "And he makes comparisons for Us and forgets his own (Origin and) Creation: he says 'Who can give Life to (dry) bones and decomposed ones (at that)?' Say (O Muhammad) 'He will give them Life Who created them for the first time! For He is well-versed in every kind of creation!' The same Who produces for you fire out of the green tree, when behold! Ye kindle therewith (your own fires)! Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof? Yea indeed! For He is the Creator, Supreme in skill and knowledge (infinite)." (Qur'an, 36: 78-81). On another occasion, the Noble Qur'an very clearly says that the disbelievers have no sound basis for their denial of Life after death. It is based on pure conjecture: "And they say: 'What is there but our Life in this world? We die and we live and nothing but time can destroy us.' But of that they have no knowledge; they merely conjecture. And when Our clear signs are rehearsed to them, their argument is nothing but this: they say 'Bring (back) our forefathers if what ye say is true!' Say: "It is Allah Who gives you life, then gives you death. Then He will gather you together for the Day of Judgment about which there is no doubt. But most men do not know." (Qur'an,45: 24-26 ). Surely God will raise all the dead. But God has His own plan of things. A day will come when the whole universe will be destroyed and then the dead will be resurrected to stand before God. That day will be the beginning of the Life that will never end, and on that Day God will reward every person according to his or her good or evil deeds. The explanation that the Noble Qur'an gives about the necessity of Life after death is what the moral consciousness of man demands. Actually, if there is no Life after death, the very belief in God becomes irrelevant, or even if one believes in God, it would be an unjust and indifferent God, having once created man but not being concerned with his fate. Surely, God is just. He will punish the tyrants whose crimes are beyond count; having killed hundreds of innocent persons, created great corruption in the society, enslaved numerous persons to serve their whims, etc. Man has a very short span of Life in this world, and as this physical world is not eternal, punishments or rewards equal to the evil or noble deeds of persons are not possible here. The Noble Qur'an very emphatically states that the Day of Judgment must come and God will decide about the fate of each soul according to his or her record of deeds: "The Unbelievers say, 'Never to us will come the Hour.' Say 'Nay! But most surely by my Lord it will come upon you by Him Who knows the unseen, from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that or greater but is in the record perspicuous: That He may reward those who believe and work deeds of righteousness: for such is forgiveness and a sustenance most generous.' But those who strive against Our signs to frustrate them, for such will be a penalty, a punishment most humiliating." (Qur'an, 34: 3-5 ) . The Day of Resurrection will be the day when God's attributes of Justice and Mercy will be in full manifestation. God will shower His Mercy on those who suffered for His sake in the worldly life, believing that an eternal bliss was awaiting them. But those who abused the bounties of God, caring nothing for the Life to come, will be in the most miserable state. Drawing a comparison between them, the Noble Qur'an says: "Are (these two) alike? One to whom We have made a goodly promise and who is going to reach its (fulfillment) and one to whom we have given the good things of this Life but who on the Day of Judgment is to be among those brought up (for punishment ) " . ) Qur'an, 28: 61 ( . The Noble Qur'an also states that this worldly Life is a preparation for the eternal Life after death. But those who deny it become slaves of their passions and desires, making fun of virtuous God-conscious persons. Such persons realise their folly only at the time of their death and wish to be given a further chance in the world but in vain. Their miserable state at the time of death, and the horror of the Day of Judgement, and the eternal bliss guaranteed to the sincere believers are very clearly mentioned in the following verses of the Noble Qur'an: "In Falsehood will they be) until when death comes to one of them, he says: 'O my Lord! Send me back (to life), In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected.' By no means! It is but a word he says; and before them is a partition till the day they are raised up. Then when the trumpet is blown, there will be no more relationships between them that Day nor will one ask after another! Then those whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy, they are the successful. But those whose balance is light will be those who have lost their souls; in Hell will they abide. The fire will burn their faces and they will therein grin with their lips displaced. (It will be said): 'Were not My Verses (this Qur'an) recited to you, and then you used to deny them?' They will say: 'Our Lord! Our wretchedness overcame us, and we were (an) erring people. Our Lord! Bring us out of this. If ever we return (to evil), then indeed we shall be wrong-doers'. He (Allah) will say: 'Remain you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me!' Verily there was a party of My slaves, who used to say: 'Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us, and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy!' But you took them for a laughing stock, so much so that it made you forget My Remembrance while you used to laugh at them! Verily I have rewarded them this Day for their patience: they are indeed the ones that are successful. He (Allah) will say: 'How long did you stay on earth, counting by years?' They will say: 'We stayed a day or part of a day. Ask of those who keep count.' He (Allah) will say: 'You stayed not but a little, if you had only known! Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back Us?' So Exalted is Allah, the True King: There is no God save Him, the Lord of the Supreme Throne!" (Qur'an, 23: 99-116 ). The belief in Life after death not only guarantees success in the Hereafter but also makes this world full of peace and happiness by making individuals most responsible and dutiful in their activities. Think of the people of Arabia before the arrival of the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) - they were a people that gambled, feuded, plundered and murdered. These were their main traits when they had no belief in Life after death. Similarly the denial of Life after death has its consequences not only in the Hereafter but also in this world. When a nation as a whole denies it, all kinds of evils and corruption become rampant in that society and ultimately it is destroyed. Happenings of the Day of Judgment "When the water (of Noah's flood) overflowed beyond its limits, We carried you (mankind) in the floating (Ark). That We might make it a message unto you and that ears (that should hear the tale and) retain its memory should bear its (lessons) in remembrance. Then when one blast is sounded on the trumpet. And the earth is moved and its mountains and they are crushed to powder at one stroke, on that day shall the (Great) event come to pass. And the sky will be rent asunder, for that day it will be flimsy. And the angels will be on its sides and that day eight will bear the Throne of thy Lord above them. That day shall ye be brought to Judgment: not an act of yours that ye hide will be hidden. Then He that will be given his record in his right hand will say: 'Ah here! Read ye my Record! 'I did really understand that my account would (one day) reach me!' And he will be in a Life of bliss In a high garden The fruits whereof (will hang in bunches) low and near. 'Eat ye and drink ye with full satisfaction; because of the (good) that ye sent before you in the days that are gone!' And he that will be given his record in his left hand will say: 'Ah! Would that my record had not been given to me! 'And that I had never realised how my account (stood) 'Ah! Would that (Death) had made an end of me! 'Of no profit to me has been my wealth! 'My power has perished from me!' (It will be said): 'Take him and fetter him; 'Then throw him in the blazing Fire.' 'Then fasten him with a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits!' Verily, he used not to believe in Allah, the Most Great, And urged not on the feeding of the poor. So no friend has he here this Day, Nor any food except filth (from the washing of wounds(. Which none but sinners eat. (Qur'an, 69: 11-37 ). Thus, there are very convincing reasons to believe in Life after death. First, all the prophets of God have called their people to believe in it. Secondly, whenever a human society is built on the basis of this belief, it has been the most ideal and peaceful society, free of social and moral evils. Thirdly, history bears witness that whenever this belief is rejected collectively by a group of people in spite of the repeated warnings of the Prophet, the group as a whole has been punished by God even in this world. Fourthly, moral, aesthetic and rational faculties of man endorse the possibility of Life after death. Fifthly, God's attributes of Justice and Mercy have no meaning if there is no Life after death. Allah is the name of God in the Arabic language. Neither plural nor gender can be formed from it. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universes. He is the God of all people including the prophets such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon All Of Them). For more information about this subject: Life after death |
صوت لآن وأجعل الدين الإسلامى فى ألمانيا معترف به وكدين أساسى فيها ....أرجو من الجميع Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أحبتي الكرام .. أرجو الإهتمام هناك تصويت يجري حاليا في ألمانيا من أجل الاعتراف بالدين الإسلامي كدين أساسي في ألمانيا. لكن الملاحظ للأسف أنه حتى الآن نتائج التصويت بـ ( لا ) أكثر بكثير من التصويت بـ (نعم ) في دعم هذا التصويت الإستراتيجي المهم والإرسال لأكبر عدد ممكن ممن هم في قائمتكم لنصرة الإسلام لاحظوا أنه حتى الآن نسبة 67 % من المصوتين يقولون لا للاعتراف بالدين الإسلامي كدين رسمي بألمانيا , وفقط 31 % يقولون نعم فيا إخواني علينا أن نقلب المعادلة بجهود الجميع بإذن الله إليكم طريقة إجراء التصويت وأرجو التركيز لعدم الخطأ أختر أول إجابة الإجابة بنعم هي JA بعد ذلك أضغط على Stimme abgeben لمضي التصويت أتمنى أن ترسلها لأكبر عدد ممكن ممن تتوسم فيهم الخير رابط موقع التصويت بالألماني: [عزيزى الزائر لايمكنك مشاهده الروابط الا بعد التسجيل للتسجيل اضغط هنا] منقول w,j gNk ,H[ug hg]dk hgYsghln tn Hglhkdh lujvt fi ,;]dk Hshsn tdih >>>>Hv[, lk hg[ldu |
Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST ملحوظه هامه حيث يقوم هذا التلفون بارسال رسائل اوتماتيكي لصالح رقم93401 فيخصم من الرصيد ثلاث جنيهات وبالرجوع للشركه المستورده فكان الرد انه فيرس بالتلفون ولكنه طبعا نصب واضح اما من الشركه المصريه او الشركه الصينيه رجاء تحذير اعضاء المنتدي وكذلك هل من حل لهذه المشكله غير ضبط الصنع فهو لا يجدي ويقم بسرقه الرصيد بالفعل هذه شركة نصابة فلقد ارسلت اليهم التليفون وبقي عندهم مدة اسبوع بدعوى وضع سوفت وير جديد والعملية تبدوا ضحك على الذقون فلقد استلمت التليفون وبه نفس المشكلة وتم خصم 3 جنيه مرة ثانية 0180708711 ![]() hp`v,h [,hg G-tide G7 |
طلب نشيد صلاح ابو اسلام...قناة الناس Posted: 10 Mar 2011 01:37 PM PST |
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